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Me gusta envejecer por que el tiempo disuelve lo superfluo y conserva lo esencial.
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Fool, Im not looking for love.
I told you that I just wanna dance.
In the mornings, you stay a little too long.
And your eyes, they glow a little too much.
Warning signs at last .
I lost, and I cant save you now.
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"Ven cierra la puerta,
las ventanas y el balcon
y olvida quien eras."
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A moment in time where you didn’t worry about student loans or jobs or cancer or your career, when you were just enraptured with someone. And you can’t feel like that as an adult anymore because it’s youthful love.
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Cuando yo te veo solo siento ganas de llorar,
Entonces tropiezo y lo intento olvidar...
Por qué no soporto ver algo muerto?
Por qué yo lo hecho de menos?
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So lets make things physycal,
I wont treat you like youre so typical.
I want you close
,I want you close.
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Estos postmodernos trasnochados de falsa estetica ya cansan.
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Its not where you thake things from,
its where you take things to..
Jean Luc Godard
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There's flowers in my house
And I bought them myself
No surprises in the record collection
You must have thought I was someone else
I'm still afraid to get lost
In a city I might explore
But I'm not afraid to have
An eloquent boy at my door
at my door
at my door
at my door